Today it's 50 degrees. There are puddles everywhere, melting snow and ice. I just returned from the woods wearing only a t-shirt (oh, and pants). Amazing. Dare I dream of an early spring? Last fall, I planted daffodil and tulip bulbs for the first time. Every day I smile, imagining how pretty the yard will be in April. But how wonderful would it be if it all came just a tad sooner? A girl can dream.

Look at that chocolate baby! So scrumptious. I want one.
There is so much hope in spring. Seeing the little shoots sprouting up makes me so jazzed.
aaah, Zeke. He could be like a reverse Fresh Air kid. I'll send him to the city this summer. And you can scoop his poop to your little heart's content!
And on another note, I can't believe you're going to get forsythia blooming in just a matter of weeks. *le sigh*
here in San Diego it's been pouring
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