Thursday, July 09, 2009

Photo daze

So I got a hand-me-down camera from my mom for my birthday. In general, this would probably be about as exciting as getting a pack of Jockey underpants. But my mom is a bit of a digital camera junkie. So what I got was an Olympus Evolt E-510 DSLR with three lenses. I've spent what few sunny days we've had so far outside, mostly lying flat on my stomach, taking pictures of flowers and other good stuff.

Since I'm feeling newly photo-invigorated, I wanted to share these two great links with you:
• the first is for anyone with an online shop: The 5 Cs of photo styling with Kim Ludy of Trampoline on Mint design blog. Kim has a great shop full of vintage items that she photographs beautifully, with no professional training or experience. Her 5 Cs might sound familiar, but it's so worth your time to visit and remind yourself why these things are important, and how you can achieve them.
• the second is for anyone who's feeling the photo bug: Tristan at Blah, Blah, Blahg is taking us lucky readers with her as she sharpens her photo skills, giving weekly photo assignments, bringing in great guest photographers, and posting freebie photoshop brushes and masks like crazy. If you don't already subscribe to the blahg, you should definitely add it.

I'd love to hear and see where you're finding photo inspiration these days!


Kelly T. said...

These are purty :)

Cindy said...

your photos are wonderful! thanks to your mom for giving you the camera. you have nice bokeh (blurry background) in so many.

~Celeste~ said...

lovely photos!

jennifer said...

nice photos! i want a new lens to play with.