Thursday, April 17, 2008

What a difference one week makes

Left: April 7, 2008. Right: April 15, 2008.

Hallelujah, I think it might actually be spring!

My favorite part of the melting snow is what it reveals. You'd never know this concrete basin was there for four months of the year. And notice Zeke's toys gathered around him in the photo below--every spring he gets to rediscover what he thought he lost in December.


Anonymous said...

Love the kitty. He looks like he is enjoying the warm Spring weather :-)

Anonymous said...

No way! I thought spring didn't happen there until mid-june.
p.s. the banana train pulled in yesterday. thanks! something is heading your way too.

~Stella said...

That's a huge difference! I'm glad spring has come to your neck of the woods.
