Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Win a Free Clementine Ring during the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!

Enter to win a free Clementine ring!


I just discovered the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival, and I'm so excited to announce: one lucky winner will get a ring of her (or his) choice from my Etsy shop!

How it works:
1) Visit the ring section of my shop here and find your favorite ring
2) Leave a comment here on this blog entry, and include your first name and the initial from your last name if you post "anonymously"
* please contact me with your email address if you post "anonymously" so I know how to get in touch with you if you win!
3) I will draw one winner at random from all the comments on the evening of Sunday, Feb. 3rd.
4) Don't fret if you don't win! Enter the code "blogfreeship" for free shipping on your order, good through February 29, 2008.

WEEEEEEEEEEE! Let the giveaway begin!

EDIT: Duh, tell me what size you want, too! :)



Gretchen said...

Oh, I"m first! pick me, please!

I luuurve the spoon me ring. Sz 8


Leslie said...

woohoo I*m the 1st :O)

i like this 1.. . Are we supposed to put this here? sweet promo!!!

Leslie said...

hehe, i wasnt 1st :O) but i am a size 7 hehe

Katy said...

I think the spoon me ring is the best...although, i must say the kyanite wire wrapped ring is a SUPER close second!!!! Thanks so much! :)

michelle said...

My favourite was the "spoon me" ring that you have shown in your picture. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Sharon said...

I LOVE the Radiant Hibiscus EarRINGS (they have ring in the name, that counts right?) If not I really like the spoon me ring too.

Anonymous said...

Hey.. I love this one..
Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring size 5 and would love to get that one..

Shannon Reese


Someone Being Me said...

I have to say that I love the spoon ring the most. They are all very pretty though.

Heather L. said...

I have always been interested in spoon rings ever since my husband told me he used to make and wear them when he was a child! So, I'd have to chose the spoon ring. I'm a 7 1/2.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, thank you for the giveaway, please enter me, thank you, The spoon ring is so pretty

Sarah said...

All four rings are lovely, but I'd have to pick the "Spoon Me" as my favorite. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted a spoon ring & the spoon me ring is the coolest that i've seen

Angela said...

Too, too cool! I loved looking around your blog. Thank you for your great offer!

Love the spoon ring!

natasha said...

Midnight at the Oasis Ring
size 9 :)

beautiful stuff

The Chatty Housewife said...

I love the spoon me ring! The other stone ones are beautiful too. Great giveaway. Please enter me!


windycindy said...

What a fun giveaway. I really like the spoon ring! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

Anonymous said...

I like the spoon me ring. Size 6

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

email is in my profile or you can contact me via the contact form on my blog.

momofmhasr said...

I like the Kyanite wire wrapped I think it was called, size 10

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love the spoon ring. Size 6.

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Kristen M. said...

The spoon ring is the funnest for me. I'm not sure of my size...its been a while since I was measured.

Rachie S. said...

"Spoon Me" (ring!) sz. 7
Thanks for this great giveaway!

heidi @ ggip said...

The spoon ring is ridiculously cute! What a great idea! I have seen other things made from silverware, but never a ring!

Great job! And thanks for the opportunity.

Karin said...

Firecracker Ring. Size 8

M.E. said...

I like the spoon me ring. Cool giveaway! Enter me, too!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner !! :) I like the spoon me ring as well.

jayedee said...

Kyanite Wire-wrapped ring is my fave! great giveaway! please toss my name in the hat too and good luck to everyone!

Britni said...

I love the firecracker ring!

Shannon said...

I love spoon rings!

Very talented!

Chelsea said...

i'm gonna have to go with majority and say the Spoon me ring ( ) is my favorite! I'm a size 8.

Thanks! awesome work.

Maren said...

I love the kyanite wire wrapper. It is simply divine. I think I would need a size 8 or 9 for my pork rind little fingers.

Jenny said...

i LOVE the Firecracker ring! It is so fresh and fun looking!

Brit said...

I love the kyanite wire wrapped ring in a size 6

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I really love the Spoon Ring. It reminds me of one that my grandmother had when I was little.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Please feel free to stop by my giveaway.


Caroline said...

I LOVE the spoon ring (size 7!)

Thank you!! :)

Maude Lynn said...

The spoon ring is my favorite. 6 and a half!

Smellyann said...

I'd love the Spoon me or the firecracker ring (size 8)! Thanks and please visit mine too!

Jeni said...

The spoon ring is very pretty! Size 8

peg42 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. I love the spoon me ring. Size 7.

Hannah said...

The Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring is BEAUTIFUL!!! I wear a size 8

PS said...

I think the Firecracker Ring is great! 7 1/2, I think!

Carrie said...

I love the Spoon one you're wearing in the picture! Very cool!

Jessica said...

It's a close tie between the Firecracker Ring and the Spoon Ring...I'll have to think on that one! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ring! Size 7 for me!


Valerie said...

the firecracker ring is cute,
size 6!

GiBee said...

I like the Firecracker ring! So cute. Can you make them in large sizes? Like an 8.5 or a 9??? Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

Meagan said...

I've always wanted a spoon me ring! Size 6!

Team Zachary said...

I want the Spoon Me ring!!! Such a pretty and unique bronzy coloring to it!!! And it would work with so very many outfits! You are quite talented!

Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!

ahiltz said...

Love your Midnight of the Oasis ring! Gorgeous! Thanks so much for doing this!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

I like the Spoon Me ring. Size 5 1/2.

lyn21 said...

i love the Midnight at the Oasis Ring- size 8

Snowbird said...

I really like the Spoon Me ring. size 8. Neat idea.

Brittany said...

I love the Spoon Me ring. Very cute!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

spoon me, size 6
Hope I win. I love it!

Giabella Designs said...

Holy cow! I haven't seen a spoon ring in years! I used to have on when I was a little girl!

Anonymous said...

I love them all, but I guess the spoon me ring would be the best everyday ring. It's so much fun being a girl! :)
Thanks for offering such snazzy bling!! If by some amazing chance, I win, I am a size 8...unless I gained weight since my last finger measurement. haha hope not.
Check out my bloggy giveaway if you want!

Anonymous said...

That spoon ring is a really cool design!

size 8 :)

the_heart_is_here [at] yahoo [dot] com

Teddi said...

It seems like I'm a lemming - but the Spoon Me ring is really the most amazing ring! I love it! Sz 8! love it! Teddi V.

maggie said...

I love all your rings but I think my favourite is the spoon me ring. You have some really cute things in your Etsy shop. I'll be back for another look later.

Anonymous said...

The spoon ring is my favorite, size 8 or 9 (for my forefinger)! I love the blue circle necklace too. You do beautiful work.


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Please enter me in your contest

Hannah said...

too too cool...really like the spoon ring..would need a size 5..have a wonderful day!

Sweetpeas said...

Love the Kyanite! I'd have to find a ring sizer to figure out a size though, haven't gone ring shopping since my wedding ring & I wear it, but it's really abit tight.

Holladay Family said...

I love the kyanite wire-wrapped ring. It is dynamite!

Thanks so much for having such a generous giveaway! Would Love to win!

My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.

Thanks again!

Sarah said...

I love the Kyanite wire wrapped ring. If I happen to win, I'll let you know what size...I don't know what I am on my right ring finger...I know it's bigger than my left which is a 5...

Bebemiqui said...

I like the firecracker ring & I don't know my size offhand.Great giveaway!bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

paulajane said...

I love the spoon ring.


Katie said...

I would love the "Spoon Me" ring in a size 8. Lovely!

Teri said...

I love the spoon me ring :)

Karina said...

It's a real toss up for me between the spoon me ring and the firecracker ring...uh...dang, I can't decide...if I win, surprise me! size 6 please. ;-)

SimplyBillie said...

I LOVE the spoon ring. I have small fingers, size f. What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!

Unknown said...

i love that wire wrapper one-the lite blue one. in size 8. count me in please :)
crazyaboutgus (at) gmail (dot) come

sweetsue said...

I like the Kyanite in size 6.

Anonymous said...

Spoon Me Ring is really cool

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know I'm a midnight at the oasis fan. Send your camels to bed.
I don't know my size but I'll figure it out!

Sunshine said...

I'm torn but the spoon ring and the starlight necklace would be frontrunners for my faves!

pink dogwood said...

love it - also your etsy store

Elena said...

The Kyanite ring is stunning! I'm a size 5. Thanks for the contest!

Marcia said...

I love the Spoon Me ring! Sz. 7 1/2.

Nancy Sabina said...

The Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring is so great! Totally unique. Thanks for the chance to win one!

Hootyboosmom said...

Cool giveaway! I like all 4 of the rings you make, but I really like the "spoon me" ring. Your necklaces are gorgeous too! Thanks for offering this! (Size 6)


Anonymous said...

that firecracker ring is a show stopper!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win your Midnight at the Oasis ring. Thank you for this amazing giveaway and please enter me!

you da mom! said...

the firecracker ring is gorgeous. please put my name in the hat! thanks! all my info should be in my profile...can't wait!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Yes, I like the SPOON ME ring the best too! I'm about a 5 1/2...

Anonymous said...

I like the spoon me ring... my ring finger is size 7, but I can wear up from that on my other fingers (I think that might look really nice on a pointer finger!).

Anonymous said...

I love the spoon me ring-size 4 1/2. Enter me, please.

Anonymous said...

Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring is my favorite. I think I'm a size 7 or 8, but it's been so long since I've bought a ring I'll have to check on that if I win. Thank you!

mtmommy said...

I love the kyanite wire wrap...sooo pretty! I would need a size 11...I know BIG fingers, I am 6'1 :-)

Kari said...

I love the firecracker ring!
Sz 10 (yeah, chubby hands) =)

Maren said...

I love the Kyanite wrapped ring! size 8.

Mommy said...

Please enter me! I love the spoon ring. I think I am size 6 Thank you for giving away such a nice prize. :)

Allison said...

I love the spoon me ring! (If I win, I'll have to get back to you on the size). Thanks!

A family of boys said...

I love the kyanite wire wrapped ring! I'm a size 8 1/2 (I think, it's been so long since I got something new) :)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

There is a soft spot in my heart for spoon rings. I had one as a teenager, but it disappeared. If I win, I'm a size 9.

I'd love to be entered.

BTW, I have two giveaways at my blog:


noreen said...

Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring in 4 (yes my finger is that small)

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

I love that spoon ring! (But the firecracker ring is pretty sweet, too!) I'll have to check on my ring size if I win...

Anonymous said...

I really like the firecracker ring. I'd need it in a size 9.

Terra H.

Erica G said...

Midnight at the Oasis Ring is beautiful!

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I had a spoon ring when I was growing up, when I saw your page and saw the ring I was taken back down memory lane.

I would love the spoon ring, and I am a size 8 (did you ask for that?).

Thanks for the opportunity!
Melissa in Mel's World

Anonymous said...

I love the firecracker a size 5!

Hollie said...

Okay when I saw the spoon righ I was taken back in time to when I was a little girl. My mom had this ring or one exactly like it...I so WANT this ring! It is a conversation starter and can be a piece that can be passed on. My mom gae hers to my sister( how dare she right)...

Marykz said...

oh my- the choices are all lovely- the spoon ring is such a treasure and the kyanite one is so cute. I have small fingers so I'm a 5 or 6 depending where I wear it. Thanks for the opportunity- I'll be back to your etsy shop for sure!

vicvic said...

I LOVE the Firecracker Ring, but I don't wear many rings and don't know my size - I'll have to figure it out if I win. Beautiful jewelry!! Thanks for a terrific giveaway!

Joanna said...

The Spoon ring is lovely! Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

Ginny said...

What cool rings, I would choose Spoon Me Ring

Carole Burant said...

Beautiful rings and I especially love the Spoon Me ring. Such a fabulous giveaway! Please enter my name in your draw:-) Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for being so generous! Please include me!



Nordly said...

I love the Spoon Me ring!

Katie said...

I like the spoon me ring. Enter me please. katie_mmartin (at) yahoo (dot) come. Thanks so much.

N said...

I like the "spoon me" ring, and I wear a 7 -8 size ring.

Tarasview said...

I love the midnight at the oasis ring- size 7!

Britt said...

i LOVE the spoon me ring!! Size 9 please! Thanks!

Lisa Garner said...

You have gorgeous jewelry! I would be thrilled to win the Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring in size 7. Beautiful! (-: Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

Anonymous said...

Oh for sure, the spoon ring! I love it! How do I find out what size my finger is? This is for a finger I don't currently wear a ring on so I have no idea.

Free pair of earrings being given away at my bloggy giveaway! Enter by Feb. 8th. Just click on my name above to go there, scroll down a bit to find the post "giveaway"

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

I like your kianite wire wrapped ring best. It's gorgeous!

tgerner at

Karen said...

I love the Spoon Me ring, but have no idea what size...I should really find that out, LOL:) Thanks!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Midnight at the Oasis in 7, I think...

Rashmi said...

Spoon Me Ring it is!

Here's my entry. Thanks!
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

fyjules said...

I like the Midnight at the Oasis Ring, cool giveaway.

Keryn said...

Kyanite. One of my favorite minerals! I hope I win! volcano at gmail dot com

Angela James said...

Love the Spoon Me Ring! I'd need a 5 1/2, please.


Melissa said...

I love the Firecracker ring (I think that's what it was called) in size 10 please :)
Melissa A.

Anonymous said...

I love the Spoon Me ring - way cool. :) I'll have to figure out what size ring I wear if I win - I have no idea - how sad is that?

Thanks for the chance to win! :)


ktrae said...

i like the midnight at the oasis and the firecracker ring equally

Stacey Moore said...

love the spoon me!! please enter us in your awesome giveaway!! thanks so much!!

megret7 said...

I do love the spoon me ring!

Angela said...

I love the spoon me ring!

Tisa said...

I also love the spoon me ring. I'm a sz 7. Thanks! ~ :)

Unknown said...

The spoon ring is great! Size 6. Thanks!

katerina said...

I think the Spoon Me is a winner, but I also liked teh Kyanite Wire-wrapped one too. Your slice of blue necklace and the green bow earrings are also really beautiful!

Jessica Morris said...

I LOVE the MIDNIGHT AT THE OASIS ring - so beautiful!! I *think* I am a size 8 - I can measure and get an accurate measurement if I happen to win - out of 130 people!! :-p
Thanks for hosting this!
Your jewelry on Etsy is beautiful!

/\Heather/\ said...

Oh, that Kyanite Wire-wrapped Ring is gorgeous!

juliblue said...

I had a spoon ring growing up, I wore it on my thumb. It looked really cool. i like yours too! Mine eventually broke and I have it no longer....I could have a new one. I looked around at the sold items, i love the sparkle square necklaces you make also- it would be cool to have mom's be able to put their children's birthstones in order inside the box, you could do retangles for one or two kids, squares for 3-4 kids, and long rectangles for 5+ kids! I thought of those the second i saw the design...i could also just get my own birthstone:)

jennifer57 said...

like the midnight at the oasis