I'm addicted to making banners and avatars for my Etsy shop. It's an unfortunate addiction, because it means I'll never know if consistency in your shop's look increases sales. But I love playing around with fonts and colors, and I can't imagine keeping one look for too long.
I made a new one yesterday to showcase my current bestseller, the Snow Blossom Earrings. The ten inches of snow we got over the course of the day clearly influenced my work!
Of course, I'll probably change it again in a few months. 'Cuz I'm fickle like that.
I just found your shop in the time machine, and of course had to check out your blog when I saw the link! You have a lovely shop, and I love your banner as well... but I know all too well what you mean about changing things... I've done it a few times as well... Whenever I run out of business cards, I do a new banner and order matching business cards... keeps me sane. Lol.
I really like your banner you did...can I ask what program you used to design it??
I just wanted to tell you I love your etsy shop and will definitely be coming back, for sure before my mother's birthday. She'll love your flower earrings!
Your product photography is top-notch, leaving a lot of sellers in the dust. May I ask what kind of camera and lighting you use? I'm not a seller (so you needn't worry that I'm competition), but I'm interested in photography and I never get results like yours!
Love the new banner!
Hi everyone--Thanks for the compliments!
Lyssa: I used photoshop elements to put together my banner. It's an easy, scaled-down version of photoshop that also costs a lot less than the full version.
kostia: I use a Canon PowerShot A620. I like it and I've used a couple others (a kodak easyshot and a casio exilim) and it takes the best pix.
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