Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy May Day!

I've neglected the ol' blog recently—but for good reason. I've been working like a mad woman outside. Once all the snow and ice were gone, the extent of the damage from the icestorm was clear. Two solid weeks of cutting up limbs, making piles, and burning later, I was finally ready for spring already. And then we got that glorious weekend of 80 degree weather. It pushed everything into fast-forward mode. Now just look at it around here! Sigh. Sedums are bushy and big, ferns are unfurling and dwarfing the daffodils. And I added 4 lilacs. My favorite.

So I thought it would be appropriate to mark the first of May with some celebratory photos of cold-country spring.


P. said...

So incredibly beautiful, Cassie. Your lilacs...I die.

Parallax said...

Oh, I hadn't seen blossoming lilacs yet. My favorite!

Clementine said...

Thanks, P!

Parallax, thanks for stopping by! I have to admit, I just got those lilacs from a garden center and planted them on Thursday, so it's kinda cheating. I had two already, and they're no where near this stage of blossom. ;)

June Shin said...

It looks so beautiful! Maybe one day I can have a garden like yours.

Cheryl said...

Thank you for sharing! I miss those things here in the desert, although we do have our spring blossoms as well.